Most Expensive Chef’s Knives Around the World
By Bridget Reed
Feb 18, 2022

There are many different types of splurges that are worth making in life. And when it comes to a splurge that will change your life for the better in the kitchen and help you join the ranks of Michelin Star chefs, a chef’s knife is exactly that.
So what can you do to get yourself on the right track to becoming one of the next great chefs of the world? Well, a first step would be to sign up for an online cooking class led by the greats themselves. You will get all the ingredients delivered and learn how to make dishes like the perfect roast beef.
The second step is enhancing all your kitchen tools so that you have all the right items to make all the recipes you are working on. Not only is a good chef’s knife essential for any kitchen, but it can also be one of the most coveted items out there for chefs of all levels.
There are many different types of chef’s knives, with two types of chef knife styles that are used worldwide. This includes the Western-style chef’s knives such as the German chef’s knife and the Asian-style chef’s knives such as the Chinese chef’s knife.
All the chef’s knives are designed to be the true workhorse for you. They are meant to be able to make your life easier for all things slicing, dicing, cutting, mincing, and even smashing. The versatility of the chef’s knives can help anyone work their way up to a Michelin Star chef status. And that is one of the reasons that some of the most expensive chef’s knives come in at jaw-dropping figures.
To help encourage you to dream big with all your culinary dreams, we have rounded up the most expensive chef’s knives around the world for you to set your sights on. Who knows, maybe one day you will find one of these in your very own kitchen too.
1. The World’s Most Expensive Chef’s Knife
Some knives are simply worth six figures. And that is certainly the case when it comes to the Japanese chef’s knife designed by German knife maker Nesmuk. In fact, coming in at an eye-popping £100,000 this knife deserves a place at some of the world’s most well-protected museums. This is because not only is the chef’s knife designed to give one of the best cuts in the world, but it has literal diamonds on the knife!
In fact, there are 25 diamonds that are strategically placed to keep the knife cool so that it can always get the most premium of cuts for any chef lucky enough to hold it. The blade itself has over 600 layers of carbon steel. Whatsmore, the handle of this knife is designed to last over 5,000 years—meaning it can truly hold an important part in history and be passed down for generations to come.
Topping off the exquisiteness of this knife is the presentation box of such a rare and beloved chef’s knife. It comes in a piano lacquer box, worth thousands of dollars itself. Very few chefs have been lucky enough to hold the world’s most expensive knife. But maybe one day you will!
2. The Knife Made From Japanese Tradition
Traditions are priceless, which is why the Japanese-style chef’s knife by Yoshihiro is one of the priciest on the market. Coming in at nearly £1,000, the knife’s design follows the intricate steps of Japanese tradition. The handcrafted features of this knife mean that it is not something that is mass-produced or widely available to the public. It is not uncommon that people put themselves on a waiting list to be able to have the privilege to order this knife.
The blade itself is steel and fused in with an Ebony wood handle. When not in use, the knife makes for a stunning piece of art to proudly be displayed in any kitchen or restaurant. And the knife itself was designed with all chefs in mind, meaning the handle is just as comfortable for people who are right-handed versus left-handed.
The result is that this chef’s knife can easily cut through everything with nearly zero effort put in. And the curved blade rocks so effortlessly back and forth that cutting meat, vegetables or fish is something that can be done in a matter of seconds. With comfort, elegance, and mastery all included in this chef’s knife, it is no wonder you have to pay a pretty penny for it.
3. The Knife Famous for Salad Prepping
While many people think of chef’s knives as being essential for cutting meats and tougher ingredients, prepping salads is often one of the most overlooked features of a premium chef’s knife. But the Damascus Superior chef’s knife comes in at a whopping £2,000 and is the king of salad prep.
Able to slice anything and everything super quickly and efficiently, salads simply taste better when prepared with this chef’s knife. But not only are the physical features attractive and make this chef’s knife so expensive. It is also the durability and beauty of this knife that make it coveted by chefs all throughout the world.
The blade of this chef’s knife has multiple layers and finds the perfect balance between smoothness and sharpness. And the handle is made from African wood and molded to provide top-notch ergonomic features. Best of all, a knife this expensive comes with a lifetime warranty. So you invest in it once and know that you will forever hold one of the world’s best knives.
4. The Knife Made by a Master Craftsman
Cashing in at around £2,500, this Japanese chef’s knife is extra special. It is made by one of the best master craftsmen of all time—Tsukasa Hinoura. He has been perfecting his skills since 1975 and has earned a global reputation for making some of the most coveted knives in the world.
He keeps his long family history of Japanese chef’s knife making alive by honouring the traditions of his past. His ability to forge, handcraft, and water quench a chef’s knife is a skill that has been evolving for over 700 years and literally expresses his soul in each Japanese chef’s knife he creates.
Adding to the special features of a chef’s knife like this is the unique white steel that is used as well. The end result of all the hand craftmanship is that these Japanese chef’s knives are one-of-a-kind pieces that always have a multi-layered dimension and look as stunning as they slice.
5. The Decorated Chef’s Knife
Proving that craftmanship is well worth the investment in a chef’s knife, another master knife maker’s creating has made the list of the world’s most expensive knives. Mr. Yoshikazu Ikeda created a chef’s knife that looks more like a samurai sword than an actual kitchen aid. With a 15 inch blade and a Corian handle to top it off, this knife deserves to be showcased in a glass case when not in use. And with a price tag of £7,000, this knife not only looks amazing but comes with one of the most superior blades available to chefs.
Making this chef’s knife even more beautiful is the cover that comes with this knife. Not only is it crafted to provide premium protection, but comes with a hand-painted design and Wajima Lacquer process.
6. The One Made From a Recognized Brand
Sometimes the cost of a chef’s knife comes as a result of the brand who is responsible for creating it. While some chef’s knives are expensive because of the actual artisan who created them, other chef’s knives are expensive because of the brand that makes them.
The Wüsthof chef’s knife comes in at £285, which compared to the rest of the knives on this list may feel like a bargain. But to the average aspiring chef, this still is a pretty penny to pay when just starting out. That is why we have included this one on the list too. Because while expensive, it is one of the more attainable knives the average person can work towards.
The higher cost of this knife is a result of the globally recognized brand that makes it and the durability they are consistent in delivering. When people see this brand, they know that this knife will be able to handle any ingredient and any job required.
While these six knives come with a hefty cost, there is no question that the value of each of these knives is matched, if not exceeded.
From knives that are literally six figures to knives that are crafted by legends in the industry, the world’s most expensive chef’s knives have us drooling over the thought of one day being able to slice, dice, and cut with one of these extraordinary pieces of art.
Banquist offers the best kitchenware, from chef-approved knives to dinner plates. Check out our selection to get your hands on your very own knife set.
Regardless of which chef’s knife you can actually afford, know that whatever the price tag it is a worthwhile investment into your own culinary journey.
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